I gave the students the number 1,245 and they had to take out that amount of PV blocks and build a structure that stands. I then told them to take away 10. (The structure may have had to be rebuilt). They completed the math on their desk to show how many blocks were left. I then told them to take away 7. Some, very quickly, decided that they needed to exchange a 10 for 10-1’s before they could take any away. But others just took away the 5 – 1’s and 2 sticks of 10 to equal taking 7 away. We had the discussion of having to make that exchange first. They then completed the math on their desk to show what regrouping looks like in a math equation.
We then took it up a level and made the PV blocks be ones, tenths and hundredths and did the same activity. Great discussions were had about lining up decimal points and how regrouping looks the same.
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